"thank god i dont live in america."
You can say that again!
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
"thank god i dont live in america."
You can say that again!
below is a link to a peer reviewed paper by virologists and vaccine experts birger sørensen and angus dalgleish.
according to the study, which was published in the quarterly review of biophysics, the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted.
to my knowledge, this is the first solid piece of evidence that this pandemic may have been man-made.. (emphasis on "may" --i'm sure this is not the last word on the subject).
Why didn't you quote the part that says the spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted?
i was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
No. Racism certainly exists among JWs. But that's not the same as saying that JWs are racist. As a group/religion, JWs are not racist, unlike the Mormons, Hebrew Israelites, KKK are/were.
so i got this night vision/security camera.
wyze is the brand.
this only happened once last night.
Based on the trajectory, it seems like it was an insect that flew off the face of one of the cabinet drawers, towards the camera. Being out of focus it looks like a fuzzy ball. Interesting how this happens just as someone enters the room, you know, like they scared the insect.
Don't jump to fantastical claims of the paranormal when a mundane claim would suffice and is far more likely.
with the ramped up rhetoric the last few years many were totally convinced the end would be here by 2019-20 .
and instead of making due, the org.
has burdened the brothers once again to donate and volunteer for the new and improved patterson and video production center to be completed by 2026!
I think the reality is that it is very difficult to wake up JWs. JWs are under a potent psychological spell. It handicaps their ability to engage in sound logical thinking with respect to scrutinizing the claims of the organization.
If Jehovah himself spoke from heaven and told JWs that jborg is not his organization, the JWs will then proceed to do a search on jborg's official website to determine if what they're hearing is true or if it's just another apostate-driven lie. Yes, I'm convinced that in such a scenario, JWs will be more inclined to accuse the voice from heaven of being that of an apostate, than that of Jehovah himself - because how can Jehovah possibly reject his own organization that he chose in 1919, right? lol.
There is a great irony here. The Governing Body is petrified of JWs getting apostate information as if it has the power to sway a majority of them away from the organization. In reality, very few JWs are actually swayed by such information - too few - to justify the apostate paranoia that is exhibited by the organization. It is the organization's own mistreatment of individual JWs that breaks the psychological spell allowing the individual to finally be able to see the organization for what it truly is and scrutinize it logically.
matthew 18:17 says that the christian congregation* was to be informed of an unrepentant sinner & their sin.
confirmation of this directive was given by paul to timothy.
(1 timothy 5:20).
It's another example of how they dishonestly change the meaning and application of scripture to suit their own agenda.
They love to talk big about obeying God as ruler rather than men. They don't mind rank and file JWs going to prison for doing so. But the moment they realize that obeying what scripture actually says will have expen$ive legal implications for the organization, they try to twist the meaning of scripture to avoid having to obey what it actually says. They know that if they actually bring judicial cases before the whole congregation as Matthew actually instructs, they will open themselves to legal suits for slander.
They also don't want the whole congregation hearing what those accused of apostasy have to say in their defense. God forbid that others in the congregation should be exposed to inconvenient facts and sound reasoning that could destroy their faith in Watchtower.
i think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
i think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
[just as you can tell me that I can't say for certain that the originals and those that followed up until the oldest now on hand did have the DN there, I can tell you that you can't say for certain that it was not there.]
johnamos, the NT authors were quoting from the Greek Septuagint version of the OT. We know this because when the NT quotes the OT the wording is identical to that of the Greek Septuagint. Add to this the fact that the typical Greek Septuagint did not translate YHWH into any Greek equivalent name, but instead used the Greek for "Lord" (kurious). This is why every single NT text quoting a DN text of the OT uses "LORD" in places where the Hebrew text of the OT uses YHWH. They were not quoting from the Hebrew text. They were quoting of the common Greek translation of the OT.
Secondly, it is inconceivable that the name was originally in the Greek text of the NT but was thoroughly removed from every single copy with not a single one surviving. To think that there was a meticulous process of finding and destroying every single copy of the NT with the name YHWH was undertaken and successful so that no trace survives, is laughably ridiculous - on par with the most ridiculous conspiracy theories!
The evidence points to the very reasonable conclusion that the divine name was never in the NT because the authors were taking their OT quotes from a Greek translation that did not use the divine name. Saying that it was in the NT and then later removed with perfection, is to make an extraordinary claim that flies in the face of facts and reason.
the annual meeting (2019) is happening as i am posting this.. any comments yet or information from what is being presented?.
rub a dub.
Speculations of what this year's meeting will be like from a P[O/I]MI website:
it has been mentioned before but since we have been discussing environmental issues on another thread, i thought it might be timely to discuss rev 11:18 which has recently become a popular text for those christians concerned about environmental threats of pollution and climate change.
is this passage being interpreted correctly?
did the writer somehow anticipate the modern environmental situation, or did he intend something more in keeping with the bible's general concerns of morality and sin?.
I concur. It's ridiculous to think the author was referring only to or especially to the ruination of the physical natural environment. The context of the statement suggest a very broad meaning. Why would the author mention God rewarding all God's servants and those who fear his name, and then turn around mention only polluters of the environment facing adverse judgment? Makes no sense. Those "ruining the earth" must refer to all sinners.
You mentioned Genesis 6 where it says the "earth was ruined" in the sight of God. I believe the author of Revelation 11:18 chose this particular wording to deliberately allude to that verse back in Genesis 6 as if to say that the wickedness at the end would be as the wickedness when God brought to flood; and the slaughter of the wicked will likewise be great as with the flood. 2 Peter does the same kind of thing. In fact, throughout Revelation the author alludes to passages in the OT.